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General terms and conditions

Für alle gegenseitigen Ansprüche aus und im Zusammenhang mit einem Vertragsabschluss zwischen gewerblich tätigen Kunden oder juristischen Personen und KS Licht- und Elektrotechnik GmbH gelten unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) in ihrer zum Zeitpunkt des jeweiligen Vertragsabschlusses gültigen Fassung.
Es gilt deutsches Recht!

Our Terms and Conditions for business customers apply to all mutual claims from and in connection with concluding an agreement between customers carrying on a trade or legal entities and KS Licht- und Elektrotechnik GmbH in the version valid at the time the agreement was concluded.
German law applies at any time!

Pour toutes les créances mutuelles de et en relation avec un contrat entre clients actifs ou personnes morales et nos Conditions Générales (CG) s'appliquent dans la version valable au moment où le contrat respectif est conclu.
La loi allemande s'applique!

Tutte le rivendicazioni reciproche derivanti da e in relazione alla conclusione di un contratto tra clienti o persone giuridiche e sono disciplinate dalle nostre Condizioni generali di contratto (CGC) nella versione valida al momento della rispettiva conclusione del contratto.
Si applica la legge tedesca!

Nuestras Condiciones Generales de Contratación para clientes comerciales se aplican a todas las reclamaciones mutuas de y en relación con la celebración de un contrato entre clientes que ejercen una actividad comercial o personas jurídicas y KS Licht- und Elektrotechnik GmbH en la versión válida en el momento de la celebración del contrato.
El derecho alemán se aplica en todo momento.

Voor alle wederzijdse rechten uit en in samenhang met een contractsluiting tussen commercieel werkzame klanten of juridische personen en KS Licht- und Elektrotechnik GmbH gelden onze op het tijdstip van de betreffende contractsluiting van toepassing zijnde Algemene Voorwaarden (AV).
Het Duitse recht is van toepassing!

For alle gensidige krav fra og i forbindelse med indgåelse af en kontrakt mellem kommercielt aktive kunder eller juridiske personer og KS Licht- und Elektrotechnik GmbH gælder vores generelle vilkår og betingelser (GTC) i den version, der er gyldig på det tidspunkt, hvor den respektive kontrakt indgås.
Tysk lov gælder!

General terms and conditions for private customers:

1. Scope

The following terms and conditions apply to all orders placed via our online shop. Our online shop targets consumers only.

"Consumer" means an individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside that individual’s trade, business, craft or profession;
"trader" means a person acting for purposes relating to that person’s trade, business, craft or profession, whether acting personally or through another person acting in the trader’s name or on the trader’s behalf.

2. Contractual partner, formation of contract, correction facilities

The contract is concluded with KS Licht- und Elektrotechnik GmbH.

The display of products within the online shop constitutes a binding offer on our part to enter into a contract vis-à-vis the items. You may place our products in your basket without obligation and amend your entries at any time prior to submitting a binding order by using the correction facilities that are provided for this purpose and explained during the ordering process. The contract is formed by clicking on the order button which indicates your acceptance of our offer concerning the products contained in your basket. Once you have sent your order you will immediately receive a confirmation via e-mail.

3. Contract language, saving of the contract text

The language(s) available for concluding the contract: English

We save the text of the contract and forward the order data and our General Terms to you by e-mail. You may also view the text of the contract in our customer login area.

4. Delivery conditions

 Delivery options

We ship the products to the delivery address specified in the order process.

We only dispatch goods en route; pick up by the customer is not possible.

5. Payment

The following payment methods are basically available in our online shop.

Payment in advance
If you select payment in advance we provide you with our bank details in a separate e-mail and deliver the goods on receipt of funds

Credit Card
With the submission of the order, you are sending us your credit card details at the same time.
Your card will be charged immediately after placing your order.

PayPal, PayPal Express
In order to pay the invoice amount via the payment service provider PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A, 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg ("PayPal"), you must be registered with PayPal, legitimise yourself with your access data and confirm the payment instruction. The payment transaction will be processed by PayPal after placing the order. You will receive further instructions during the ordering process.

PayPal may offer registered PayPal customers further payment modalities in the customer account selected according to its own criteria. However, we have no influence on the offering of these modalities; further individually offered payment modalities affect your legal relationship with PayPal. You can find more information on this in your PayPal account.

Cash payment on collection
You may pay the invoice amount in cash on collection.

6. Retention of title

The products shall remain our property until full payment is made.

7. Damage during delivery

If the goods are delivered with obvious damage caused during delivery, please report the defect to the carrier and notify us without delay. Failure to make a complaint or to make contact does not in any way affect your legal rights or the enforcement of such rights, notably your warranty rights. However, in doing so you help us to assert our own claims against the carrier or transport insurer.

8. Warranty and guarantees

8.1 Liability for defects

We are under a legal duty to supply products that are in conformity with this contract. Statutory warranty rights apply. Information on any additional guarantees and their precise conditions that may apply can be found next to the product or on distinct information pages in the online shop, if applicable.

8.2 Voluntary guarantees and customer service

Information on any additional voluntary guarantees that may apply and their exact conditions can be found with the product and on special information pages in the online shop, if applicable.

9. Code of conduct

We have submitted to the following codes of conduct:

Trusted Shops (

10. Online dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolutions (ODR) which can be accessed at We are ready to participate in extra-judicial dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer dispute resolution body.
The competent body in this matter is: Universalschlichtungsstelle des Bundes am Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V., Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein, Germany,

AGB erstellt mit dem Trusted Shops Rechtstexter

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